Thursday, February 26, 2009

Geneva Choir

This week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday at our church, complete with a pancake dinner and concert afterward. The highlight of the evening for me was to see my children in the choir. This is the first year Geneva has a choir and both boys are in it. For this special occasion, the elementary school joined the choir. Even though I've been hearing the song for three solid weeks, I enjoyed the performance so much. I didn't have a good visual spot for recording, but you can hear the choir and if you look carefully, Caleb is on the left, Naomi is just right of the director, then Esther, Abby is next to Esther's hand (sort of hidden) , and James is on the top row, far right. The last verse is sung in the Zulu language. Hope you enjoy this...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Aww, I am so glad you posted this! I know that Rebekah was dissapointed she could not perform with everyone. But wow, it sounded so great! I am always impressed with the musical performance that Jarrod gets out of everyone!