Saturday, November 22, 2008

New at blogging

Good morning all,
I've decided its time to jump into the blogging world. Primarily, I want to use this site to be able to share pictures of my kids and things we're doing. I haven't had time to figure out all the fancy things like color, etc. but wanted to share this cute video I took of Hope last night and it was too big to send by email.
I went into the bedroom to tuck Hope into bed and was being serenaded. She's got a scratchy throat, which made it all the cuter.
In case you can't make out her songs, the "program" includes: "The Joy of the Lord is my Strength" (That was the one she was singing when I came in), Then "Holy, Holy, Holy" (which is a combination of the hymn and the Sanctus. They both start the same and she mixes them up) then you get a little "jingle bells" and her rendition of the "three-fold amen" that we sing in church.

1 comment:

Lori Schwartz said...

How neat!!! Thanks for sharing this all with us!

We hope to have an update letter and a family pic to send your way in late January.

God bless you!!!

Your sister in Christ,
Lori Schwartz
(and family)